Jan 26, 2006
2006-01-25-1900 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker for Central
on Wednesday evening January 25th, 2006. He continues his study in
Daniel and Revelation.
Scripture Ref: Revelation 4; Daniel 2; Daniel 9
Topic: Daniel & Revelation Study
- Church fathers often quoted, typically anti-semetic; Martin
Luther hated Jews, replacement theory
- Bible should be taught literal, covenants with Israel in tact
- Elders in throne room (Rev. 4) are raptured saints… the
- Tribulation begins with Peace Treaty
- Nebuchadnezzar's dream: History of the World; Neb., Alex. The
Great, Roman Empire
- 1948 nation of Israel reborn
- Daniel’s 70 weeks; 70th is Tribulation
- Nation that divides Israel will suffer judgement
- Antichrist will come to aid of Israel, then the Abomination of
Desolation (he declares he is god)
- Israel to be perfected, Church already perfected through
- Remnant of Jews become new root for Jewish people on earth
- Jesus returns 84 months after peace treaty signed
- Jeremiah calls tribulation "time of Jacob's Trouble"