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Central Church Sermons

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Dec 29, 2014

2014-12-28-1030 Pastor Randy Smith is the speaker this morning December 28th,  2014 in the 10:30 AM service.

Scripture: Acts 28:1-6

Topic: Healing

- Are you in the recovery room?
- Mature Christians know that God has planned storms to intersect our paths.
- Storms bring all kinds of pain.
- Life storms can leave us wounded for a time.
- Storms usually change us; makes us a kinder person and more sensitive to others.
- We are aware of our Father’s mercy and grace.
- Our scars are the beginning of healing.
- Even though we are following God; we will still go through storms in our lives..
- God will bring us safely through.
- Live in God’s good pleasure so others can watch God’s grace e in us.