Aug 25, 2014
2014-08-24-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning August 24th, 2014 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Luke 3; Matthew 6:19-21; 1st Timothy 6:17; Hebrews
Topic: Treasures
- Think eternally. This is not our home.
- To overcome sin is to live in the bible and pray every day.
- Is your area of problem is the area of giving.
- We become defensive when it comes to things we have.
- We have nothing, it is God’s.
- There were 3 kinds of people being baptized that day:
- (1) The people – If you have two cloaks, give one to someone who
needs it.
- (2) Tax Collector – The tax collector should not take money that
is not his.
- (3) Solider – Be content with your wages.
- Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.
- Don’t waste your money down here.
- Where you put your money is where our heart is.
- Set your things on things above. Your account is in Heaven.
- When we give we set up treasures.
- Do God’s work; ready to give. Live every day is sight of the day
we see Jesus face to face.