Jun 23, 2014
2014-06-22-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning June 22nd, 2014 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3; Romans 8:32; Matthews 6; Psalms 145
Topic: Faith
- Do you think you will ever go to Jesus in Faith rather than
- If you worry you are not trusting God.
- You honor God by trusting Him.
- Isaiah says I will trust The Lord and not be afraid.
- Nothing happens without God’s approval. He is faithful.
- His timing is perfect. He delights in answering the prayers of
His children.
- Why do you doubt when you pray?
- God’s ways are not our ways. Let God be God.. Get out of God’s
- If God is for us who can be against us.
- Do not worry about your life. God feeds the birds: clothe The
Flowers in the field for His glory.
- He sees every sparrow that falls and the very hair on our head is
- We are God’s ultimate masterpiece.
- Trust God in all things. Just ask Him.