Jun 16, 2014
2014-06-15-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning June 15th, 2014 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3; Psalms 119:10-11; 1st John 2:15-17
Topic: Lust
- We must pray a simple prayer to God with a pure heart.
- Do not do wrong but do right in God’s eyes.
- We should be holy and blameless.
- We cannot live the way we want to or do the things we want to
- We are going to be tempted. We will be attacked by the lust of
the flesh, lust of the yes, and lust of pride.
- Lust is sin.
- Do not love the things of this world. This world is passing
- You cannot come to God’s house and take the Lord’s Supper and
have sexual sin.
- Your heart must become God’s heart and be filled with God’s
- Set your affection on things above.
- You must be dead to this world.