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Central Church Sermons

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Apr 21, 2014

2014-04-20-1030 Pastor Lee Claypoole is the speaker this morning April 20th,  2014 (Easter) in the 10:30 AM service.

Scripture: 1st Corinthians 15;14, 19; Acts 4:33; Psalms 139:8; Luke 24:18-21

Topic: Brokeness

- This life does not end in the grave.
- You will be somewhere in eternity.
- There is more beyond. Jesus is watching us and waiting on us when we draw our last breath.
- We are celebrating Easter this morning and 2000 years later we are still celebrating Jesus.
- Today, some of us are in church because of our past.
- We have a guilty history. You don’t have to live in guilt.
- The blood of Jesus covers us.
- The price was paid on the cross.
- We can never pay enough for our salvation but Jesus is enough.
- Come to Jesus with all of your brokenness.
- Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period.
- The cross covers your guilt.
- God is going to work things out.