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Central Church Sermons

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Oct 28, 2013

2013-10-27-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning October 27th,  2013 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture:  Ephesians 6:10-18; 2nd Timothy 2:1; John 20:29

Topic: Faithful

- Life is tough. It is possible for a child of God.
- So full of sorrow where you can’t function anymore. You feel empty and dead inside.
- The church taught us that we are weak when we find ourselves in this situation.
- We all deal with sorrow. We forget about people around us who are hurting.
- We are to bear each other’s burdens.
- We need to sometimes just sit and be strong in the Lord.
- Jesus will not allow His own to be defeated.
- Your fight is from the unseen powers. We can’t run or jump any faster.
- We need to just stand still to see the salvation of the Lord. Live in truth.
- God only response to the truth.
- Guard your heart when our sorrow is over we know that God is faithful.
- God will give us peace if we believe in him.
- Pray always. One of the best ways to get victory in your life is praying for others
- Blessed those who have not seen but believe