May 27, 2013
2013-05-26-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning May 26th, 2013 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Numbers 21; Isaiah 53; John 3:16; Romans 7
Topic: Spiritual
- Fiery Serpents – Super natural Snakes – Their bites are
- Quick – Look at the serpent – Don’t touch – Sin is the
- Jews don’t read Isaiah 53. It is so unwanted by the Jews.
- God laid on Jesus our sin.
- Jesus exposed our sin. He took them – Sin was paid for on the day
Jesus was crucified
- The only thing God looks for is if your name is written in the
Lamb’s book of Life.
- If a man rejects Jesus he will go to hell.
- Sin is a death that came into our existence – but Jesus hung on
the cross because God so loved the world.
- We are kept by God. We are saved – redeemed – accepted by the
- We ask God who can deliver us from this stinking sin. – smell of
death. God can.
- We don’t want to sin. We do what we don’t want to do and don’t do
what we should do.
- Looking for eternal security is not a permission to sin. No child
of God wants to sin.
- Grace gives power for the way we ought to live.
- A true child of God wants to please God every day.
- There is no sin in Jesus. Abide in Jesus and not the world.
- Whoever is born of God does not sin. Be pleasing to God.