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Central Church Sermons

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Jan 14, 2013

2013-01-13-1030 Scott Volk is a guest speaker this morning January 13th, 2013 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: Genesis 22:1-16; Exodus 3:1-12; Isaiah 6:1-11; 58:6-9

Topic: Purpose

- Henani-Behold, me.  Stop what you’re doing and focus on something else
- A costly word... may cost your life, but it puts you where God wants you to be
- Abraham and God’s instruction to sacrifice Isaac
- Worship-the act of giving our best back to God
- Paul, after conversion, asked “What would you have me to do?”
- Moses at the burning bush at 80 years old... don’t rush the call of God.  There is a time of preparation
- “Who am I that I should go?”  God is not looking for the  most qualified...
- Isaiah the prophet