Aug 20, 2012
2012-08-19-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning August 19th 2012 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13; Colossians 1:14-15; Ephesians 1:1-6
Topic: Evangelism
- Jesus came to be with sinners, outcasts, scorned & rejected who’d
abandoned all hope
- We can get to that place, feel we’ll never measure up, living
with reckless abandon
- We are among the sinners, but Jesus came to save sinners, not to
build up people who are already built up in themselves
- Realize you don’t have to fake it; you are who you are only
because of what He has done; everybody knows you didn’t win all
your battles today...
- Christ is victorious in my life but I am still wrestling with
- I didn’t deteriorate into this; this is humanity...
- Ministry is right in front of us. If someone needs help,
prayer, when you act like Jesus and sit down with sinners...
wherever the needy are and God has put you there...
- Holiness is what God imparts to you when Jesus comes into your
life; practical holiness is what’s making us lose our minds.
- It’s hypocritical when divorced Christians stomp on and rail at
- We categorize sins... even the lie we told or the thought
violates the holiness of God