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Central Church Sermons

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May 21, 2012

2012-05-20-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning May 20th 2012 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: Philippians 3:1-9

Topic: Grace

- Story of woman from childhood approaching in Denver; nervous breakdowns; trying to figure out how to get to heaven, how to please God
- Conversation with Hispanic family: How much is enough?
- You can’t do enough to get into heaven; trust only in Jesus Christ
- Someone thinks their experience should be everybody’s and so makes rules for people to follow.  Traditions, rules, religion...
- Jesus came to show us we cannot do it and since we cannot, He came to do it for us.
- People teach that we have to do some things... that we could backslide and go to hell; stories of fear make people run to the altar, keep people in bondage and fear thinking Jesus won’t love them if they do wrong
- Beware of people trying to drag you back
- Works are not a prerequisite but a result of knowing Jesus
- Prayer was never given as a task to complete but a privilege, giving access to almighty God