Jan 23, 2012
2012-01-22-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening January 22nd, 2012 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture: II Timothy 1:6-7
Topic: Fear
- Sometimes you have to stir things up in your own life or fear
will enter
- We are to tell people the gospel then make disciples
- Christians are afraid they will fail God or someone else... fear
going to hell... so they play it safe...
- If you’re afraid God won’t keep you then you have more faith in
your own ability
- There will be some casualties but live aggressively
- No enemy is bigger than Jesus inside of me
- The spirit of fear will cause you to over prepare
- Soldiers behind enemy lines, given only what is needed
- We become heavy laden with knowledge, answers... we have it all
planned out
- We get more upset by cursing and smoking than the world going to
hell, injustices
- We are close minded, self-centered; the spirit of God will take
you where it is dark and dangerous