Jul 18, 2011
2011-07-17-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning Juy 17th 2011 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-19;
Lamentations 3:19-23
Topic: Assurance
- We must be solidly planted in the love of God
- God’s love is everlasting and unconditional
- Isaiah said “woe is me”... as we discover we are not what we want
to be... we must understand we are saved and God is working things
out of us... it is painful
- If you don’t have a parallel revelation of the love of God,
you’ll be a hopeless person
- Paul addressed himself first as least of the apostles, then least
of the saints, then chief of sinners; personal evaluation of self
will not improve but your love and appreciation for what He did for
you will
- When we get weary we are vulnerable to the attacks of the
- We couldn’t love Him; He loved us first
- He forgives and will love you, build you up, bless, protect and
provide for you
- We are saved by grace and kept by the power of the Holy
- The prodigal son was forgiven before he even spoke his
- Spiritual assault like never before... every past sin brought
back... remorse, guilt and fear... compulsion to repent until I
almost lost my mind... this did not come from God
- Satan lies about the nature of God: says you are not forgiven,
that you will never be free, that you must try harder, that you’ve
blasphemed the Holy Spirit, and that God has lost patience with
- God is not a punisher; He chastens us to pull us back to Him as
His child
- What was begun in the spirit cannot be completed in the flesh
- A blasphemer does not want God