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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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May 30, 2011

2011-05-29-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening May 29th, 2011 in the 6:00 service.


Topic: Hope


- God is infinitely wonderful... always working to bring people into the kingdom
- Jewish man saved, cut off from family to later find sister has been completed (saved)
- We think God will move stronger if we are more confident
- The Spirit prays through us with groanings when we don’t know how to pray
- Some think it’s a treat for a Pastor to get a message every week... I sometimes want to give up or do something else... then I give the message and the altars fill up...
- God is able to do beyond us (the power of Jesus inside of)
- Some of the greatest moves of God come from people who feel like they’ve failed, didn’t communicate....