Feb 28, 2011
2011-02-27-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 27th, 2011 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Romans 12:21; Daniel 7:21, 25
Topic: Family
- Don’t be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good
- Heaven is for overcomers; the enemy is relentless in his attacks
against us
- Each letter to the 7 churches in Revelation contained a promise
to overcomers
- We are all attacked or enticed sometimes. The church
enticed to live loose lives... lasciviousness, living free... the
sexually immoral can not go to heaven
- Satan will wear out the saints; we are supposed to be victorious
- Nothing wears out the saints like family problems
- You can’t be honest with family members so you have to endure,
dodge issues
- Parents are often blind to or overlook their children’s
weaknesses and mistakes
- When in an inescapable situation there is only one way to
overcome... I decide to take care of myself and let God take care
of everyone else
- By happy, encourage, forgive, be tolerant, flexible, serve
Jesus... don’t be the source of tension or the cause of an
- It’s not about my feelings or my children’s... serve God no
matter what
- Be a peacemaker and a servant