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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Sep 28, 2009

2009-09-27-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning September 27th, 2009 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture: Galatians 6:14-15; Jeremiah 24:7; Ezekiel 36:26; Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:46

Topic: : Victory

- Any effort to please or appease God is meaningless
- Old Testament shows that God requires perfection that we cannot achieve on our own
- Many of us have not had victory in areas of our lives; we despair...
- We have victory on  by the miracle of Christ
- Abandon all attempts... prayer, fasting will not bring victory
- We have flesh faith (David Wilkerson), trusting in our efforts
- 613 Jewish laws
- Sin is in the heart; cannot eliminate lust by plucking the eye
- Take up your cross and follow daily
- "Why have you forsaken me?"
- You have to die to present state...