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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Apr 30, 2009

2009-04-29-1845 Rabbi Sam Nadler is a guest speaker for Central Church of God for the 6:45 evening service April  29th, 2009.

Scripture Ref: Psalm 122:6; Matthew 23:37-39; Acts 3:19-21

Topic: Prayer

- We get caught up in our own cares in prayer
- Jesus told us to pray for peace of Jerusalem; would not have were there not to be peace
- WWII Patton, 1967 Battle for Jerusalem
- World cannot understand; see it as God sees it
- Jerusalem signifies God's redemptive program
- 2nd coming of Messiah tied to the repentance of Israel; Satan trying to stop Jews from hearing and believing so Jesus will not return
- Pray that His work be done
- There’s no neutral territory in spiritual warfare