Jun 23, 2008
2008-05-25-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening
May 25th, 2008 in the 6:30 service.
Scripture Ref: II Corinthians 5:16-21; Judges 6:11-16; John 20,
Topic: Purpose
- Believer's complex: How can God love me?
- God has a plan for your life in spite of you
- Jesus saves sinners, gives us His righteousness
- God saw something in Gideon though Gideon felt inferior
- Christians wrestle with depression. No need to keep up an
- Jesus does more in our weakness than in our strength
- I understand God less, trust Him more
- Want to be spiritual warrior? Start with forgiving your
- Thomas, Peter … Jesus didn't chastise for their failures
- All you need is Jesus, man at the pool was looking for a man
- Don’t need to follow some evangelist. Pastors trying to
mimic other preachers … ideas for church growth
- False prophets say what people want to hear
- If you're looking for more than Jesus, you’ve never met Jesus
- Tongues are initial evidence of baptism of holy spirit … sets on
fire, gives boldness to speak the Word of God
- Your whole life will change when you receive the Holy Spirit
- You will be judged according to what He has called you to do