Jan 25, 2007
2007-01-24-1900 Winston Wooden is the speaker for Wednesday evening
January 24th, 2007.
Scripture ref: Heb. 12:1-4; Eph. 2:6; Phil. 3:13; John 17:4-5
Topic: Spiritual Race
- We begin the race with excitement, something happens, we lose
- Story of man who lost wife, realized what he'd sacrificed for
- We must cast off weights and sins before we can run the race
- Conduct characterized by walk, service by race
- Story of friend, hamburger weighed him down for race
- To finish we must focus on Jesus
- Christ has done all necessary for us to finish; who He calls, He
- Stories: becoming an elder, child cleaning room
- Christ is coming back; what are you doing for Him?
- Crown of glory, pastor's, of life, rejoicing, righteousness,