Apr 20, 2006
2006-04-19-1900 Jim Busker is the guest speaker for Central on
Wednesday evening April 19th, 2006.
Scripture Ref: Exo 40:34-38
Topic: Obedience
- Jesus seen in OT-Moses is a type of Christ sent to deliver his
- Moses was 40 years in house of Pharaoh (proud), 40 yrs in desert
(humbled), then to promised land (usefull)
- Israel in wilderness because they didn't obey God
- We want to walk in power, but to skip the wilderness to promised
- Don't ask God to bless what you’re doing, but find what He is
blessing and do that: obey and follow Him
- We look for God's hand, not His heart… should seek Him, not
- Story of father bringing slurpees home
- Friend who, after divorce, had his own children run past him to
mom’s boyfriend-own children in arms of adulterer
- We see God as a means to an end, we take our eyes off of
the giver