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Central Church Sermons

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Jul 20, 2009

2009-07-19-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning July 19th, 2009 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: Romans 1:17

Topic: : Faith

- Pope Benedict’s call for global economy
- The just live by faith, not miracles, proof...
- At some point everyone will face tragedy
- God is glorified in our trust for Him
- Situations don’t change God; prayer doesn’t change things.  Prayer changes us.
- Our lives are not about miracles; we have authority over devil, not over things
- We have no need to fleece God
- You don’t know what you’ll do in tragedy
- Faith is not an intellectual understanding
- Faith is deliberate commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ
- We move as the Spirit moves
- The key to a life of faith is to be attached to nothing but Jesus
- He died to save souls, not to fix problems